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Privacy Policy

This website is operated by:

FastLane Productivity Tools, Unipessoal LDA

We gather diverse forms of data to operate the website and deliver services. Some data comes from you as a user, while others are essential for website usage or are generated during your interactions with the website or its services. Personal data encompasses specific information about an individual's personal or professional circumstances, like your name and email. The utilization of our website and associated services (e.g., contact form) adheres to the following data protection principles:

  1. We employ reasonable and essential technical and organizational measures to safeguard your personal data, ensuring they remain inaccessible to unauthorized third parties.

  2. You have the option to reach out to the designated individual responsible for data protection at

  3. When you transmit email or other messages to us, whether via email or directly on the Website, we will retain such messages to facilitate request processing, address inquiries, and enhance the Website, products, and services

You possess the right to inquire about your personal data at any given moment. Additionally, you have the right to withdraw your consent for the usage of your personal data, affecting future activities, and to request rectification or deletion of data held by us.

Specifically, you hold the following entitlements concerning your personal data:

  • Right to access information,

  • Right to correction or erasure,

  • Right to limitation of processing,

Moreover, you retain the right to lodge a complaint regarding our handling of your personal data with a data protection supervisory authority.


  1. Data that is provided actively by you

    • FastLane’s website allows you to contact us via chat (no registration needed and no data collected) or contact form (name and email address are collected). That data is needed for us to reply to your contact. In the context of such contact, we are also entitled to inform you about changes, additions or new versions of the website, changes of our terms and conditions as well as these privacy statement and additional information provided via the website as well as e.g. about new products.

  2. Data collected in the context of the use of the FastLane add-in for PowerPoint:

    • No data is collected or processed by us when you use FastLane

  3. Data collected in the context of the use of the website by analytics tools (Web-Stat) used by us with our website:

    • We use Web-Stat analytics tools to analyze and regularly improve the use of our website. We can improve our offer and make it more interesting for you as a user. You can read Web-Stat’s privacy policy on

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